Estate planning

For peace of mind that your legacy will be honoured

Your life, your legacy

Estate planning provides you and your loved ones with certainty during an emotionally difficult time. We will work alongside your solicitor to ensure your legacy is protected, tax is minimised, and your wishes are respected.

Estate planning

By working together with our referral partners, we'll help you structure your finances. Specifically:
Establishing powers of attorney
Ensuring you have a proper will in place
Updating your will as circumstances change
Making sure your business affairs are up to date
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How we work together

Your PFG adviser is here to map out a strategy that helps you achieve your financial and lifestyle goals, now and long term.
Let's talk about what you're hoping to achieve, establish whether we're a good fit for each other, and map out a plan of attack.
Your PFG adviser will crunch the numbers and research available options, leveraging both tech and industry insight.
We'll meet again to show you your custom solution, explain how it all slots into place, and get your buy-in into the strategy.
The paperwork will be handled by your PFG adviser, who'll keep you updated on the process and progress of your advice plan.

Ready to find out more?

Get in touch today

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Schedule some time in Adam's calendar to discuss how he can help
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PFG Financial Services helps hard-working people get more from their money. With offices in Melbourne and Brisbane, we are here to serve people right across Australia.
Copyright © 2024 PFG Financial Services.

PFG Financial Services Pty Ltd ABN 23 052 977 189 and, PFG Global Pty Ltd (ABN 50 679 416 839, ACN 16 1691 103) as trustees for The Trustee for PFG Financial Services Trust, trading as PFG Financial Services (Global), are authorised representatives and credit representatives of AMP Financial Planning Pty Limited ABN 89 051 208 327, Australian Financial Services Licence and Australian Credit Licence No. 232706.

For further details including financial services we can offer you and how we are remunerated, please read: 
PFG Financial Services FSCG
General Advice Warning: This website contains general information only. It does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Please consider the appropriateness of the information in light of your personal circumstances.